
Welcome to my learning portfolio for The History of Christianity (to C.E. 843)!  To the right you will see various posts which each reflect how I have met the five learning outcomes expected from the course.

As a brief introduction, let me introduce you to Saint Jerome, who dedicated much of his life to the monumental task of translating the Scriptures into Latin (a version known as the Vulgate). 

St Jerome by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 1607, at St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta, Malta
(Image from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome#mediaviewer/File:Caravaggio_St_Jerome.jpg)
The painting above represents how Jerome has commonly been depicted within Christian art throughout the centuries: there is a skull in a place of prominence in the painting, which represents Jerome's tendency towards bitterness, anger, and a critical attitude. Although Jerome could apparently be a difficult person, the work he did for the Church was invaluable.

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